Saturday, January 3, 2009

Richard Dawkins 1 - Stephen Colbert 0

I had seen this video before but it wasn't until tonight I watched it again and felt it pertinent to place on this blog. Stephen Colbert, who I once had respect for and even liked, is nothing more than a moron. His role is Strangers with Candy, the TV series, was awesome and full of hilarity. After watching his "Daily Show rip off" I had eventually lost interest and respect in the man all together. Usually smug in his interviews with profoundly intelligent people, he tends to "win" debates by using his wit and(though it's hard to admit sometimes) his intelligence. Along side his abrasive "I say what I want" attitude he just simply fails at making Richard Dawkins look like a jackass, as Stephen usually manages with his other guests. I noticed his befuddled look and his inability to really challenge anything Professor Dawkins had to say. He was, in this interview, outwitted and simply put himself to shame by attempting to match wits with someone so brilliantly intelligent as Dawkins. Richard Dawkins pwnt Stephen Colbert. I raise my glass to Proffessor Dawkins, as I always do every time I see/hear/read anything he says.


Anonymous said...

Colbert plays that character. He portrays a religious conservative journalist... he portrays Bill Oreilly.

Anonymous said...

wow, I didn't know there were people out there who are too retarded to see that Steven Colbert plays a character. Your stupidity is eye opening.