Friday, February 27, 2009

I'm appalled.

Jaw dropping

I cannot begin to express all of the things that are wrong with this.....

For one, our country(USA) was founded as a Secular country.

Definition of Secular

The Constitution gives every American the right to disagree and argue any point/opinion made by anyone else in this country. You can publically disagree with the President if you want! Now, we can't disagree with Jesus? Now we can't disagree with Mohammed? What is going on?

I'm almost at a loss of words about this. I think the UN has finally gone bonkers. I love this country and I'm glad I was born in a developed society. We are FREE to speak our minds. No matter who you are, in my honest opinion, you have a right to disagree or speak your piece. To take away our right to disagree publicly is just throwing away one of the main foundations of this country. If no one ever said, "No, I disagree with what you say," do you realize how far behind we would be? Our doctors would not know what they know and practice in a sophisticated way. Our laws would not have changed. African Americans never could have won the Civil Rights movement, and Homosexuals would still be shunned and mistreated, women(like myself) could not vote. How did all of those marvelous movements in America come to be? Because someone said, "No, I think you're wrong." To remove our right to speak out against Religion is despicable. I've listened to Christian Radio in my car and I heard a commercial about Christians feeling as though they are being "silenced" on radio and other public speaking opportunities. In the commercial the announcer stated a website to go to(I can't remember what it's called ><) in order to stop the "silence" they believe they're undergoing. There is nothing wrong with a disagreement! Simply put, person A says, "I believe this." Person B says, "Hmm, I do not believe that." Who does that hurt? What feelings are hurt by that? Religion needs to lose its unprecedented hold on the world. Religious people might get their feelings hurt? What about all the Outted Atheists who have been abandoned by their families and friends? Outcast solely because they said, "No I don't believe that." What about all of the stigma faced by Atheists? It seems as though these decisions are being made by infants incapable of understanding the ramifications of this motion. Are we condoning Thought Police? Are we eventually going to become Winston in 1984? I can't imagine a modern country such as the US condoning this action. Religion is, and always will be, a gun in the hands of an infant. Misunderstanding and misuse of it can be dangerous, and at times, fatal. Stop this now, everyone! We need to pull together and respect each others differences. If we were all the same and thought the same, we'd never get anywhere and our science, medicine, technology, and our social movements, would never progress. Let everyone keep their voice!

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